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Pressure ulcers in German hospitals: Analysis of reimbursement and length of stay


Pressure ulcers in German hospitals: Analysis of reimbursement and length of stay

Pressure ulcers in German hospitals: Analysis of reimbursement and length of stay (DeGruyter).

Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers are an important indicator of the quality of care. Most pressure ulcers are avoidable with a robust protocol for prevention, but prevention activities often have a low priority for senior management because the true costs to the hospital are not visible.

Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers represent an important source of cost for a hospital which highlights the potential value of effective prevention.

Quelle: DeGruyter, 12.03.2024

« Medizin-Controlling sichert die Zukunft der Krankenhäuser | Pressure ulcers in German hospitals: Analysis of reimbursement and length of stay | Klinikum Saarbrücken: Ausbau abspecken oder mehr Geld vom Land »