Meldungen aus der Gesundheitswirtschaft

« 1.01.24 | Aktueller Tag | 3.01.24 »


In Teilen digital...

Die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens geht ohne Altlasten vielerorts zügiger voran: Beispiel Lateinamerika (Wirtschaftswoche).


The association of demographics, frailty and multiple health conditions with outcomes from acute medical admissions to hospitals in England: exploratory analysis of an administrative dataset

The association of demographics, frailty and multiple health conditions with outcomes from acute medical admissions to hospitals in England: exploratory analysis of an administrative dataset (RCP Journals).


The reimbursement system can influence the treatment choice and favor joint replacement versus other less invasive solutions in patients affected by osteoarthritis

The reimbursement system can influence the treatment choice and favor joint replacement versus other less invasive solutions in patients affected by osteoarthritis (Springer).

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