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International strategies, experiences, and payment models to incentivise day surgery mydrg.de


International strategies, experiences, and payment models to incentivise day surgery

International strategies, experiences, and payment models to incentivise day surgery (Science Direct).

[...] Financial incentives for day surgery can serve as a policy instrument to promote change. We recommend embedding these incentives in a comprehensive approach of restructuring health systems. In addition, we encourage countries to monitor and evaluate the effect of changes to payment systems on day surgeries to allow for more informed decision-making.

Quelle: Science Direct, 04.01.2024

« Klinikverbund Aurich-Emden-Norden: Keine Auskünfte aus dem Millionengrab | International strategies, experiences, and payment models to incentivise day surgery | Mehrere Tote bei verheerendem Brand im Klinikum Uelzen »